Kamis, 29 September 2011

Something About Lola - The Best Part Of Writing A Song Is To Name It Lyric

We're off of the same old things
Never looking back to the good ol' days
Seeking out another path of dreams
Crossing through the millions Roman's ways

We're stand up for honesty
But first time they met: nobody would never listened to me!!!
Set time machine,pull back the memory
You're the best gift ever to me
And it takes so hard to let it go

You're: my favourite December
And I'm: January but we're both on the same calendar
Take a time,change for attire
They already gone
And they already gone

Lagu ini adalah lagu yang selalu mengingatkan gue waktu masa-masa SMA
masa dimana gue sama si Yasin The Doll Writer klekaran di hall SMA tercinta, masa dimana gue sama temen2 kelas XI IA 1 bercanda ria dalam kelas, masa dimana gue sama Fuad, Dimas, Dian, Wikan, Yasin, Deny, Pindi, Rifa, Tyas, Yusi, Yohan, Marlin dan temen-temen laennya gila-gilaan di dalam bis, hunting poto bule di pante Kuta, Bali, ngasih makan monyet bareng, ujan-ujanan danau yang gue lupa namanya...
I never forget all of you guys..
See yaa and good luck :B

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